About Us

ACE Copiers and IT Services provide high-quality photocopiers and printers to businesses in Perth and beyond.

We are a 100% West Australian owned company, based in Perth,

Western Australia. Our staff have over 100 years combined experience in Laser Printers and Photocopiers.

Business Systems with Extensive Connections

Outstanding Assistance

We're Local

Providing Value

Outstanding Assistance

We're Local

Providing Value


Shrink your footprint and your bills

ACE Copiers promotes environmentally conscious practices and budget-friendly solution. This innovative system supports businesses in minimising their ecological footprint by reducing paper waste, optimising toner/ink usage, recouping expenses, and fostering sustainable habits as the new norm.

Responsible reminders

Encourage users to adopt eco-friendly printing habits by providing timely in-screen reminders to print double-sided or in black and white, creating a user-friendly push towards sustainable practices.

Zero uncollected print jobs

Up to 12% of print jobs are uncollected. Track users’ printing to identify opportunities to reduce waste. Secure Print Release stops overflowing recycling bins.

Forest Positive printing

Minimise printing waste through the utilisation of ACE Copiers , and revolutionise your essential document production into a positive environmental impact by our transformative program that ensures that your printing activities contribute to a greener future.

Message from our Founder – Mr.
Tony Paul.

I founded ACE Copiers and IT Services in 1998 to offer clients an alternative to the multi-national copier vendor’s branch offices here in Perth, Western Australia.

Right from the start the philosophy was to supply quality equipment and quality service (an ACE is a person or phenomenon that excels in what they do), to me the client comes first, not accountancy and spread sheets. In my previous corporate life, I witnessed too much dollars and cents intervention on how the customer was treated, I vacated that position knowing I could do it better for the client, my staff and myself. We aim for long term business relationships and not quick profits.

As authorised dealers, ACE Copiers and IT Services have been early adopters of technology. Investing in people and systems, enables us to offer clients best practice and best value which in turn retains business. It helps to be big enough to support our clients and small enough to care as we can respond faster to our clients wants and needs.

Seeking Personal Assistance?

Contact Us

  • Mon-Fri 8am-5pm

  • 08 9528 5002

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